This reception location is nice but it would be much nicer if the outside looked as great as the inside.
In my search I have come across some great reception locations (that look fabulous on the inside but not so great on the outside). The Clarion is a older hotel that has been through some renovations but it still looks old. The only flaw is the ambiance is lacking on the outside...The inside is great. I could over look the outside if their prices reflected the outside. I thi

nk this should be a mid range location but their prices reflect a high dollar hotel, much like the Embassy Suites. The Clarion provides a lot of extras (champagne toast, cake, centerpieces, cake knife and s

erver, appetizer, en tree, and salad) in their packages but is it enough for the price tag. I'll compare...you know I will. I guess it all depends on what you want for you wedding. Do you want to serve your guests dinner with all the trimmings, hors 'drovers, or what? They did this beautiful pineapple tree....